Hearing Aid Help
in Stockbridge, GA
Experts You Can Trust
For our patients looking for hearing aids in the Stockbridge, GA area, we have an office just for you. Check out our full-service hearing aid center on Village Center Parkway. We offer hearing tests, hearing aids and other hearing loss solutions. Schedule an appointment with our Stockbridge, GA audiologists today.
214 Village Center Parkway
Stockbridge, GA 30281 - Call or text: 770-580-1066
- Fax: 770-507-4629
- Monday through Thursday, 9am–4:30pm
Don’t wait to treat hearing loss. Make an appointment at our Stockbridge, GA office today.
Meet Our Team

Lindsey Kiesgen, Au.D.
Doctor of Audiology
Dr. Lindsey was born and raised in Atlanta. She completed her Doctor of Audiology degree at Auburn University. She, her husband and their dog, Hank love serving in their hometown. Dr. Lindsey hobbies include yoga and photography.

Kaede Sasahara, Au.D., CCC-A
Doctor of Audiology
Dr. Kaede received her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia and her Doctor of Audiology degree from the University of South Alabama. Dr. Kaede was drawn to Audiology as a career after experiencing firsthand the difference better hearing made for her grandmother.